• If you’re weighed down by a constant sense of heaviness in your chest and throat.
  • If you’re overwhelmed by all the things, you have to do in your business and everyday life… things that are stopping you from moving on to your next level.
  • If you’re holding yourself back, not speaking your truth and can’t seem to show up as your authentic self.
  • If your head is full of never-ending negative chatter, “I don’t know what I’m doing.” “I shouldn’t be doing this.” “I’m going to fail.”

If you’re feeling any or all of these things, I’d love to invite you to join my Get Far in Business and Life EFT tapping sessions!
Monthly tapping sessions for heart-led women who are ready to create unimaginable success!
Get Far In Business And Life 
Eft Tapping Sessions
✨ Start your day feeling calm, happy and inspired.

Feel motivated to show up and be the best version of you

✨ Have the freedom to do what you love.

✨ Create authentically and make money in your business with ease.

✨ Have a set of powerful tools in your pocket to help you overcome your emotional blocks.

How would it feel to finally release those limiting beliefs that are holding you back and keeping you playing small?
Imagine being able to…
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping is a magic superpower that helps women just like you to tap into their dreamy, unimaginable success.

EFT has the power to clear your stagnant energy and bring huge shifts, so you can create life-changing results.

Everything and anything is possible for you through tapping!

If you’re ready to attract more dream opportunities into your life and create limitless growth, then my monthly group Get Far in Business and Life EFT tapping sessions are made for you.
“Wow, It’s powerful.”

“I realised what I need to know to get on with my life and be free.”

“This is what I needed to do to be free from my anxiety.”

 The next 'Manifesting Your Dreams' session take place on
Wednesday 6th December @ 12.00 UK time

During the session, I’ll guide you through this powerful technique and share plenty of other ways to help you go far and achieve your goals.

You'll leave with your next step, so you can take action and start seeing results straightaway!

The sessions will take place on Zoom, and there’s no long-term commitment. No monthly tie-in. Just book and pay for your sessions as you go.

And, because I want to make this accessible and affordable for you, the investment is only £20 per session.

Spaces are limited to a maximum of 5 people, and you can secure your place here. 
As soon as you’ve booked your session, I’ll invite you to join the private Go FAR (in business and life) Facebook group… a supportive and safe space where you can share your results, transformations and wins.

Because community is so powerful. Community will help you stay consistent and accountable, meaning you can create your desired results faster!

You’ll also have direct access to me in the group, so I can answer your questions and help you move forward.
Empowered, I have the answers in me, and I can move on with my life.”

“This morning, I felt happy, and no heaviness on my chest.”

“Tapping and exercise have really helped me this week. I was ready to give up on life altogether.”

Holistic and Transformational Business Coach, Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner, nature lover, and mum of two.

I empower intuitive and heart-led women to build the business and life of their dreams… whatever that looks like to them.

Through my unique approach, I turn your intuition and spiritual strengths into your superpower, so you can attract dream clients and create limitless growth!

If we haven’t met before, I’m Zuzana.
“Feeling happy, light and calm.”

“I'm not feeling guilty anymore for asking for some things.”
So, are you ready to shift and clear your energy, so you can take aligned action in all areas of your life?
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